Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dormant Gift

God has blessed me with gifts to use for His glory. Yet the gifts remain dormant. I wish I could get better at expressing and using my gifts for the benefit of others. One person whose dormant gift got discovered inspires me. Paul surprises and overwhelms his judges and his audience with a great performance. Don't let your gift lay dormant. Discover your gifts and use them for the benefit of others! Check it out.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ongoing Journey

One of the valuable things in life is time to think. I am one who likes to mull over things before sharing what's going on in my head. I've been on a quest lately to discover what and where God wants me to do to serve Him.

I've been given a great opportunity to explore options and to investigate fully opportunities over the past six months. I am grateful to Northwest Chapel for helping me on my journey.

God does speak to individuals. He has spoke to me. Over hours, days, months, and miles God has prompted my heart to transition out of Northwest Chapel to pursue a missions pastor role in a multi-staff church where I can better utilize my gifts for advancing God's kingdom. As I shared with the leadership of Northwest Chapel:
I’ve been responsible to lead in many areas of ministry in our church where my biggest strength is seeing the big picture and how individuals can connect with the overall vision of the church. I am a voracious learner—by nature I love acquiring knowledge or new skills but I refuse to rush the process. I naturally identify with an individuals’ situation and seek to develop their gifts and talents. I have found a new ministry position in missions developing God’s church to impact the world where missions is a high value.
This is where the journey begins!