Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Newspaper Rock -- Where Native America Meets Pop Culture

photo by jacko (Flickr)

Newspaper Rock -- Where Native America Meets Pop Culture

Rob Schmidt raises a good question in his comment on his blog, "I'm not sure what 'lesson in patriotism' you learn by repeating a rote phrase..." He has more to say check it out above.

I tend to agree with him. Words undefined make recitation hollow, I say. Rob raises his question of Navajo children reciting the pledge of allegiance in Navajo and Spanish. Visit his blog and make a comment if you'd like.

I like his post of the Pledge in Navajo:

"Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí bidahnaat'a'í t'áá ííyisíí shil nilíigo baa bich'i' ádíshní. Háálá ájooba' hasin yee hadít'é, kéyah t'áála'í si'áági Diyin Dine'é yee ádééhodilzin, binahji' níík'eh ájooba' bidziilii bee da' ahíínííta'."

Newsletter: Public Diplomacy in Europe, April 2008

Newsletter: Public Diplomacy in Europe, April 2008

In the Russian section of this publication, Radmilla Cody, former Miss Navajo, from Leupp, AZ shares as part of a US State Department gathering in Kamchatka, Russia in April. Her main points were tolerance, diversity, care of the environment, as well as a special focus on domestic violence.

I find it interesting that what is communicated in distant cultures is the message of tolerance, diversity, environmentalism, and helping those in domestic violence situtations.

Folk Music with a Native American Flavor : NPR Music

photo found:
Folk Music with a Native American Flavor : NPR Music

Radmilla Cody is a Navajo-African American. Her mom is Navajo. Her dad is African American. She shares how she processes her unique heritage. It's an intriguing interview on NPR with Farai Chideya. She was runner-up Miss Black Arizona and also became Miss Navajo. This honor as Miss Navajo stirred up some hearty conversations.

Native American Experience: Navajo Style

Be sure to watch for this on June 3 on FX. I wonder if someone out there could tape or tivo or record this episode of 30 days for me. I don't subscribe to cable.



I wonder where Lenny is on his spiritual journey. I like the rockin' guitar. You can hear the song for free on Lenny's website. I believe I could place this in the spiritual warfare genre (Ephesians 6:10ff). I wonder what you think.

No gas, no go

I appreciate the help of Simply Youth Ministries. Before joining Wooster Grace I served at Northwest Chapel in Dublin, OH. One of my many pastoral roles was shepherding students. I always appreaciated my friends Doug and especially Kurt because I was leading junior high ministries.

This article "from the field" convicts me. I need to commune with God. I send out a prayer letter for missionaries. Yet I fail to pray consistently for them. In my Prayer Force Update I challenged our prayer warriors to see prayer as communion with God, not merely presenting prayer requests. So I need to unplug, to commune with God.

Just like my co-laborer, David Norman, I need to fill up the spiritual tank and go forward in the power of God. I need to go get alone with God. I love his tips (visit link above)--the one I will put into practice is using a reading schedule to daily read the Bible in a year. I am celebrating my birthday on June 1. So for my forty-third year of life on this earth, I choose to read through the whole Bible in a year. I may even join a group--one year bible blog.

A Hero in Prague

One of the things I enjoy about being a pastor is facilitating missions experiences for the people in our church. Linda is presently visiting the Swain's who serve God in Prague, Czech Republic. She even made time to connect with the Plaster's who serve in Paris.

Linda serves on our Global Task Force which helps facilitate everyone to be on mission for God in our church. I am so proud of her. She takes a trip to encourage our missionary partners. She is truly a fully devoted follower of Christ.

Her commitment to God extends deep into her life. She just finished the school year teaching Released Time Bible Classes in the public school system in Northwestern Wayne County. She is the main teacher for the North Central-Northwestern Religious Education Program. Now she prepares to teach a seminar on how to share your faith with those who seem antagonistic or feel strongly against your beliefs.

I'll include a couple of lines from her email to me:

I spent a couple hours with the Plasters (our missionaries in Paris) at the airport. That was good. I went with George and Cindy to English class and then Bible study. Once I had a walk back to metro and home I don't feel as tired. Hope I can sleep all night tonight. I'll close for now. Thanks for praying.

Linda is a great example of people striving to live for God as a fully devoted follower. I am challenged by her commitment and love for God's people who serve overseas and heart for helping to reach people wherever they she may go. Way to go, Linda.