Friday, June 22, 2007

Learning New Things

My Top Five Strengths

In the past few days I've discovered a lot more about me. I've taken the Strengths Finder 2.0 instrument by Tom Rath. My top five strengths are: connectedness, learner, developer, context and analytical. Upon reflection this instrument summarizes who I am presently.

I am a person who seeks to make things fit into a big picture--I connect the dots in my life to see the larger picture. My primary strength at this time of my life is connectedness. I see the big picture and how things are connected.

Likewise, I am someone who is a learner. I've always liked books. Information to me is a prized possession. Data informs my life for today and tomorrow.

I like to develop others. I naturally identify with someone's situation and seek to develop their gifts and talents. I love people and strive to care for and to shepherd them with sincere nurture.

I am someone who learns from the past. I take things into context--seeking to implement new things to advance present tasks and projects while proliferating ideas for future solutions to come.

However, I am methodical, selecting to work things out beforehand so I can make sense of things by gathering data into a logical sequence and solution. So I may take too long collecting data before acting upon anything. I am a reasonable person.

Taken together my strengths can be used in connecting and developing leaders for ministry around the world where future generations can be impacted. I may like to minister with those who may allow me to innovate and learn new ways of doing things, thinking in new directions, and explaining things in logical sequences. I could see me as a mentor, coach, and teacher of leaders who go out to impact the world for Christ.

Seeking God's call,

Pastor D