In his book Confessions of a Pastor, Craig Groeschel candidly writes that while standing on the platform one Sunday and leading a prayer before speaking, he ...
I appreciate the help of Simply Youth Ministries. Before joining Wooster Grace I served at Northwest Chapel in Dublin, OH. One of my many pastoral roles was shepherding students. I always appreaciated my friends Doug and especially Kurt because I was leading junior high ministries.
This article "from the field" convicts me. I need to commune with God. I send out a prayer letter for missionaries. Yet I fail to pray consistently for them. In my Prayer Force Update I challenged our prayer warriors to see prayer as communion with God, not merely presenting prayer requests. So I need to unplug, to commune with God.
Just like my co-laborer, David Norman, I need to fill up the spiritual tank and go forward in the power of God. I need to go get alone with God. I love his tips (visit link above)--the one I will put into practice is using a reading schedule to daily read the Bible in a year. I am celebrating my birthday on June 1. So for my forty-third year of life on this earth, I choose to read through the whole Bible in a year. I may even join a group--one year bible blog.
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